Feldenkrais® Knoxville: Services


The Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® is based on principles of biomechanics, psychology, and human development. Kathy White helps expands your perception and awareness of movement to help you understand how and why you move the way you do. Together, you will develop and explore new ways of moving.  This method enhances the quality and ease of your movement to live a more full, efficient and comfortable life. Discover more at the Feldenkrais® Guild of North America by clicking here. Click below to learn more about The Feldenkrais Method® at Feldenkrais Knoxville. 


Mindfulness / Body Awareness

The body is always in the present. When we focus our awareness on our body, we are naturally drawn to the here and now. Awareness of the body and breath has a grounding effect, it is an anchor for mindfulness, and deepens us into the present moment. Kathy White incorporates these tools into her practice.

Individualized Physical Therapy

Feldenkrais Knoxville  provides individualized physical therapy to treat disease, illness, injury, aging, or loss of  function in your life.  Physical therapy enhances movement though therapeutic exercises, treatments, and education rather than, or in combination with drugs or surgery. Physical Therapy includes a thorough assessment of your condition, body systems, goals, and limitations. Click below to learn how Kathy White can help you achieve your physical therapy goals.


Self-Care Education

Self-care is any activity that one preforms to deliberately  take care of one's mental, emotional, spiritual  or physical health. At Feldenkrais Knoxville we work together to discover and implement the self-care strategies that are best suited for you. Good self-care is essential for improving one's mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and connecting with one's self and others.

Healing Touch for Humans and Animals

Healing Touch for Humans is a therapeutic practice intended to help one find balance and restoration following stress, pain, grief, surgery, illness, or disease. Studies show that infants who are denied human touch can suffer short and long term physical and psychological consequences. It cannot be denied that human touch is a therapeutic phenomenon, to learn more click here.

Feldenkrais Knoxville's practitioner is also certified in the Healing Touch for Animals (HTA). HTA is a hands-on therapy that helps animals reduce stress or anxiety, understand appropriate behavior,  and improve  animal-human relationships.  This therapy is also beneficial to animals who are sick, injured, or need support during the end-of-life transition. To learn more about how HTA  can help you and your beloved animal, click here


Remote Sessions

Sometimes you can't get to the clinic. Sometimes you just need to touch base with your practitioner to make sure you are on track. Together, we can do telehealth or educational remote sessions on the phone or computer. If you think you are a candidate for a remote visit, contact Feldenkrais Knoxville here
